Most of us encounter social influence in its many forms on a regular basis. For example, a person may alter his or her behavior to match another's. When someone lacks confidence in their own knowledge, they turn to others in the hope that they will provide them with the correct information. Cooperation can lead to conformity of mind. With this handy guide you too can control the masses. This installation satirically shows psychology's role in social influence, even comes with a fun puzzle.
Adobe XD, Illustrator, Photoshop, AP lens maker
This is a digital book series based on my research on modern day systems that our society abides to. In this edition of the series “The power of social influence”, I cover the psychology and social tactics used in by the influencers in social media. It is filled with 8 lessons that focus at how to use your pseudo influencer powers to control the masses.
The path to unlocking power isn't for the weak of mind. Solve these puzzles and unlock your first social media power.
Puzzle Prize: 1st social media power